Daily Spot Quotations, Pg 10 (Upland, San Joaquin Valley differences)
MP_CN009 Memphis, TN USDA Cotton and Tobacco Program, MND
Color Leaf Staple Mike
34 35 36 37 38 Range Diff.
11 & 21 & 2 415 1040 1390 1540 1765 27-29 -1600
3 365 990 1340 1465 1665 30-32 -1000
4 75 350 400 500 500 33-34 -500
5 -125 75 130 190 190 Base 35-36 0
6 -400 -200 -150 -100 -100 37-42 25
7 -625 -525 -475 -425 -425 Base 43-49 0
31 1 & 2 315 940 1290 1415 1590 50-52 -500
3 265 890 1240 1365 1540
4 50 300 330 410 410 Strength
5 -200 0 55 115 115 Range Diff.
6 -500 -325 -275 -225 -225 24.0 - 24.9 -500
7 -675 -575 -525 -475 -475 25.0 - 25.9 -400
41 1 & 2 100 350 430 440 440 26.0 - 26.9 -300
3 50 250 330 340 340 Base 27.0 - 28.9 0
4 58.92 200 280 290 290 29.0 - 29.9 0
5 -425 -200 -195 -185 -185 30.0 - 30.9 75
6 -625 -450 -450 -450 -450 31.0 - 32.9 125
7 -825 -725 -725 -725 -725 33.0 & above 250
51 1 & 2 -675 -225 -175 -175 -175
3 -700 -250 -200 -200 -200 Extraneous Matter
4 -750 -300 -275 -275 -275 Type - Level Diff.
5 -775 -375 -325 -325 -325 Prep - Level 1 -50
6 -900 -800 -800 -800 -800 Prep - Level 2 -800
7 -1050 -1000 -1000 -1000 -1000 Other - Level 1 -350
12 & 21 & 2 125 575 830 965 1140 Other - Level 2 -925
3 50 500 780 890 1040 Plastic - Level -4000
4 -75 325 375 440 440 Plastic - Level -4000
5 -250 -50 0 50 50 Uniformity
6 -525 -400 -350 -300 -300 Unit
7 -775 -700 -650 -600 -600 77.9 & Below -60
32 1 & 2 0 250 325 375 475 78.0 - 78.9 -50
3 -50 200 275 325 425 79.0 - 79.9 -40
4 -200 25 50 100 100 80.0 - 80.9 0
5 -525 -275 -275 -275 -275 Base 81.0 - 81.9 0
6 -675 -475 -475 -475 -475 82.0 - 82.9 50
7 -850 -750 -750 -750 -750 83.0 - 83.9 80
42 1-3 -450 -100 -75 -75 -75 84.0 - 84.9 90
4 -500 -175 -150 -150 -150 85.0 - 85.9 100
5 -675 -350 -300 -300 -300 86.0 & Above 110
6 -800 -775 -775 -775 -775
7 -1000 -950 -950 -950 -950
52 1-4 -825 -775 -775 -775 -775
5 -875 -825 -825 -825 -825
6 -1025 -1025 -1025 -1025 -1025
7 -1225 -1225 -1225 -1225 -1225
33 1 & 2 -500 -500 -500 -500 -500
3 -500 -500 -500 -500 -500
4 -600 -600 -600 -600 -600
5 -800 -800 -800 -800 -800
6 -1075 -1075 -1075 -1075 -1075
7 -1225 -1225 -1225 -1225 -1225
43 1-3 -875 -875 -875 -875 -875
4 -925 -925 -925 -925 -925
5 -1075 -1075 -1075 -1075 -1075
6 -1225 -1225 -1225 -1225 -1225
7 -1425 -1425 -1425 -1425 -1425
Cotton and Tobacco Programs, Market News Division
3275 Appling Rd
Memphis, TN 38133
(901) 384-3016