Cornerstone Ag Cash Bids
Notes Basis Month Basis Cash Price Futures Price
Hard Red Winter Wheat
Spring Wheat
Quotes are delayed, as of September 17, 2024, 01:25:05 PM CDT or prior.
All grain prices are subject to change at any time.
Cash bids are based on 10-minute delayed futures prices, unless otherwise noted.

Market Snapshot
Quotes are delayed, as of September 17, 2024, 01:25:05 PM CDT or prior.

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Soybean Bulls Holding Up So Far on Tuesday
Soybean futures are posting fractional to 1 cent gains so far on the Tuesday session. CmdtyView’s national front month Cash Bean price is up a penny at $9.44 ½. Front month Soymeal futures are down $3.00/ton. Soy Oil futures are up 76 points thus far on the day, with $1.81...
Cotton Pulling Back on Tuesday
Cotton futures are fading off the 3 cent limit gains from Monday, with contracts back down 62 to 79 points at midday. The dollar index is back up 175 points so far, with crude oil futures up $1.73/barrel. Weekly Crop Progress data tallied 54% of the US cotton crop with...
Cattle Posting Higher Trade on Tuesday
Live cattle futures are trading with $1.25 to $1.35 gains at Tuesday’s midday. Trade has yet to kick off this week, with Monday mostly compiling showlists. Cash trade last week saw sales of $180-182 reported in the South, steady to $1 higher from the week prior, with the North steady...
Hogs Posting Midday Strength
Lean hog futures are yup 95 cents to $1.70 at Tuesday’s midday. The national average base hog price was reported at $76.74 on Tuesday morning up $1.74 from the previous day. The CME Lean Hog Index was $84.38 on September 13, down another 49 cents from the day prior. USDA’s...
Wheat Mixed at Tuesday’s Midday
Wheat futures are mixed across all three exchanges as the market trades through Tuesday. Chicago SRW futures are down 3 to 4 cents on the day. KC HRW is 1 to 2 cents lower. MPLS spring wheat is back up 1 to 3 cents across the front months. Monday afternoon’s...
Corn Showing Fractional Gains at Midday
Corn futures are showing steady to fractionally higher trade so far on Tuesday. The front month national Cash Corn price from cmdtyView is up ¾ cent at $3.77/bu. USDA’s Crop Progress report showed the US corn crop at 85% dented by 9/16, 1 percentage point above normal. The crop was...

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